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제목 초콜릿이 뇌에 미치는 영향 등록일 2020.02.15 13:36
글쓴이 운영자 조회 613

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(이 자료는 https://www.bustle.com에서 인용한 것입니다)

How Chocolate Affects Your Brain, According To Experts

전문가가 말해주는, 초콜릿이 뇌에 미치는 영향들

1. Chocolate May Improve Brain Function

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Chocolate may offer specific benefits.

"Eating chocolate can be protective for your brain and enhance your brain’s plasticity, the lifelong ability to change and adapt," Culler says.

Chocolate has also been shown to be "neuroprotective," so it may help preserve the integrity of the brain as well.

2. It Helps Release Endorphins In The Brain

   뇌에서 엔돌핀의 방출을 돕는다

"Chocolate boosts the production of endorphins, better known as the 'feel-good' chemical of your brain," Culler says.

After eating it, you may experience a more positive outlook, and possibly even a sense of "euphoria," all thanks to the way it impacts your hormones.

Dr. Shaheen Lakhan, neurologist and head of R&D at The Learning Corp, points to research where people given chocolate reported improvements in self-rated calmness, contentedness, and cognitive performance, while also mitigating "mental fatigue."

3. Chocolate Wakes You Up

   신경을 일깨워 준다

Chocolate, just like a cup of coffee, contains caffeine, and that can give a boost to your central nervous system, Culler says.

But the hit of caffeine isn't the only reason why chocolate can help you stay alert.

"Dark chocolate can improve blood flow to the brain, which can improve attention span, memory, reaction time, and problem-solving skills," Culler says.

4. It Plays A Role In Healthy Aging

   건강한 노화를 가져온다

"Chocolate is very appealing in those prone to cognitive decline like individuals with or at risk of Alzheimer’s disease because the flavonols — antioxidants found in certain plants — in cocoa stimulate new brain cell growth and prevent existing brain cell death," Lakhan says.

Some studies have also associated chocolate intake with a decreased risk of stroke, Lakhan says, since it stimulates blood flow to the brain.

5. Chocolate Can Apparently Put You In The Mood

   기분을 좋게 한다

Chocolate is often considered to be one of the foods that may increase libido.

"There are several chemicals contained in chocolate that are thought to positively impact our friskiness," Dr. Anna Cabeca, a triple board-certified physician, tells Bustle.

6. It May Enhance Your Overall Well-Being

   웰빙의 삶을 향상시킨다

Chocolate contains quite a few mood-boosting ingredients, including tryptophan, which stimulates the mood-boosting hormone serotonin, and a compound called anandamide, which can provide a sense of well-being as it binds to the dopamine receptors in the brain, Cabeca says.

Studies are currently being done to assess the role these compounds might play in mental wellness. "The word is still out on whether chocolate can help manage depression or anxiety," Lakhan says.

"The studies are mixed on the effect, and perhaps how much intake one has (dose) is a factor. It may be that low levels of chocolate intake in the short-term may improve anxiety, but higher levels are stimulating and anxiety-provoking. In the long-term, it may help with some of the symptoms of depression."

7. It May Help Reduce Stress

   스트레스를 줄여준다

"Chocolate is a good source of magnesium, which may help reduce stress by suppressing the release of the stress hormone cortisol," Melissa Nieves, LND, RD, MPH, a registered dietitian, tells Bustle.

But as with anything, it should be a part of other stress-beating tricks.

While chocolate isn't a cure-all, it can impact the brain in lots of interesting ways, including temporarily boosting your mood, and relieving stress.

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